Where HR Leaders and CXO’s become extraordinary Healthcare Consumers.
Setting themselves apart from the competition and becoming even more valuable to their organizations.

Benefit Champions Network
We are a network of HR and Business Leaders dedicated to transforming the landscape of healthcare and insurance for hard-working Americans. These Leaders cultivate unique skills that distinguish them among their peers, as they possess the ability to navigate one of the top three cost centers often overlooked and left unchallenged. By honing their expertise in managing healthcare costs, they empower their organizations to achieve greater financial stability while providing comprehensive benefits to employees.

What We Do
Our members unite virtually to share knowledge, build networks, inspire one another, and exchange insights on challenges and triumphs, all with a steadfast dedication to achieving excellence in benefits and striving for a high-performance health plan. We invite solution experts who review compliance responsibilities and opportunities, offering best-in-class solutions free from the misaligned incentives that often plague the traditional benefit ecosystem.

Why We Do It
The current system of managed care has devastated the American Healthcare Consumer, especially hard-working Americans, robbing them of their dreams and burdening them with crippling medical debt. False promises and flawed strategies in healthcare and insurance have led to soaring costs, perpetuating financial strain. Despite new regulations, misaligned incentives withhold critical data from plan sponsors. The Benefit Champions Network is steadfast in its mission to amplify successful solutions, benefiting thousands of plan sponsors and millions of members. We are committed to challenging these harmful inefficiencies, empowering consumers, and restoring the promise of a healthier, more prosperous future for all.

What You Get
Members of the Benefit Champions Network gain access to a powerful platform for knowledge sharing and networking. They receive valuable insights into navigating the complex landscape of healthcare and insurance, empowering them to make informed decisions. Through virtual collaboration, members exchange strategies for achieving excellence in benefits, all while challenging the status quo of the current system. Additionally, they benefit from expert guidance on compliance responsibilities and cutting-edge solutions, free from the traditional constraints of the benefit ecosystem. Belonging to this network enables members to amplify successful practices, improve financial stability for their organizations, and ultimately pave the way for a healthier, more secure future for employees.
What our members are saying...
“Joining the Benefit Champions Network has been a game-changer for our organization. As an HR Director, I’ve always strived to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of benefits. This network not only provided me with a wealth of valuable resources and cutting-edge solutions but also connected me with a community of like-minded professionals who share the same passion for employee wellbeing. The insights gained from discussions and expert sessions have empowered me to implement innovative benefit strategies that have positively impacted our employees’ lives. Being part of this network isn’t just about staying informed; it’s about leading the charge in transforming healthcare and insurance for the better. I highly recommend it to any HR or Business Leader who wants to make a real difference.”

Benefit Champions Network
Do you belong here?
Members of the Benefit Champions Network are HR and Business Leaders who embrace challenges, recognizing that their employees’ health and wellbeing are paramount. They strive to elevate their expertise in benefits, distinguishing themselves as forward-thinkers in the field. This network serves as a collaborative hub for staying abreast of industry shifts, sharing cost-effective strategies, and ensuring compliance. Through proactive engagement and expert guidance, members equip their organizations with crucial advantages in the dynamic landscape of healthcare and insurance. They do not fear the unknown; instead, they fear the consequences of remaining uninformed.